back to our story..hari ketiga di Bangkok
Going to dream world..
seawal pagi lagi dah jalan..malam ahir tido..awal lagi bangun
seawal pagi lagi dah jalan..malam ahir tido..awal lagi bangun
Gambar beramai..kenang kenangan..
at the same time they celebrate CNY..
With the Malaysian Gurl..
main entrance
aish..pose gila..
Macam singit..inda ja?
Me and the Gold Dragon..
Love GardEn
Bring it to home..
The loVe gaRden
syg..laki laki dgn bgambar ani..haha..buat video clip saja..hehehe..
Thanx bro for tHe heLp..
king moDel..
Beethoven rock..
Sshhh..keep shut uP..the MonsTer Sle3piNg..
im in the caGe..
Wh@t the big chAir..
Thats all for today..another well coming soon..banyak beb kan di update..